Maui Weather Report

Check the Maui Weather Forecast for the day and week ahead using this weather app. Zoom in or out to see detailed area information, and use the sidebar on the right to change what weather feature displayed; Rain, Wind, Waves, Cloud Cover, etc.

Reminder: Maui has 10 of the world’s 14 Climate zones in a small area. The 10,019 foot Volacaninc Peak, Haleakala, creates a natural barrier from the regular NE tradewinds, but also creates convection up the Western face in the afternoons when the sun shines on the earth. This leads to afternoon clouds from 4-5,000 foot elevation  towards the coast, which can look like immenent rain, but will remain clear.

We love to educate visitors about the weather locally, as the general weather reports call for rain, but 95% of the time the rain is isolated to the windaward side, and the south coast of Wailea is calm and sunny!

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