Scuba Dive with Whales? Only if you get Lucky!

Scuba Diving with humpback whales.
Whale season is upon almost here, with a sighting by boat last week here in Maui. Our humpback whales travel from Alaska in the winter to the Pacific Whale Sanctuary in Hawaii to calve and breed.
Whales travel thousands of miles without feeding.
There is not a food source in Hawaii, and these whales do not feed, but live off their summer reserves for the season. By the time they return to Alaska in the spring, they are fairlly emaciated and have the appetite of….you guessed it …a whale!
Find out more fascinating facts from NOAA Here
Maui Undersea Adventures Whale Watching Kayak Tours
We offer guided kayak tours during Maui’s whale season for an intimate encounter with the whales. Docile giants, we keep our distance, but sometimes the curious newborns come close for an inspection! What a peaceful, exercise filled adventure for you!
Call or email Now for your reservations, Mahalo